Dr. Wittel is a licenced MD, Ph.D. who practices holistic, scientifically-valid medicine. He specializes in intravenous chelation therapy to reverse hardening of the arteries, and degenerative diseases. Orthodox is not a word that applies to Dr. Dietrich Wittel. Even his office is unusual. There is no reception area where people speak in hushed tones. Instead, when you enter the door, you are already inside the treatment area. You find patients hooked up to IVs chatting amongst themselves. As informal as this environment seems, the people here are receiving a therapy they consider life-saving. (Quote: 'Profile Magazine') |
Both of these patients (below) made complete recoveries and both lived active lives until they were 103 |
 Marriane K. came at age 89 "I feel so bad, I think I am dying". After 20 treatments she travelled alone to Australia 3 times and Europe twice. She lived to be 103. Our low key Santa Fe style clinic on Main
 Rudi at age 95 came to us with severe heart failure and "Stove Pipe" swollen legs. After 3 Cardiologists gave him no hope & told him to go home and get his affairs in order, he came to our Clinic. After 18 treatments he took his wife on an Alaskan cruise. He lived to age 103 with an active drivers license.  Kelowna Clinic
 This is how simple and stress free the administration of our intravenous
treatments can be. |
Intended for a Canadian Audience
website developments by: Brenda

Massively infected, draining and swollen to double size lower leg of 45
year old diabetic, treated in and out of hospital " with every antibiotic
under the sun" for 9 months without result. See the result in 2 weeks with
10 intravenous 0.03% Hydrogen peroxide over 90 minutes: swelling gone, skin
healed, no relapse in 5 years of followup.
Darkfield blood before and on rt at end of 90 minute Peroxide 0.03% infusion

Left: Thickened Blood,high fever, viral flu. Right: Normal blood, fever dropping 90 minutes later, Patient feeling better and less achy
 Visitors from Munich taking treatments at their ranch in British Columbia 20 years ago. Natural Vitamin D included.
Respected medical Journal THE LANCET published this 100 years ago about
the only treatment that was successful for even the worst cases of" Spanish
Flu. It worked one hundred years ago for the and hopefully hospitals will use it again for seriously ill patients
[ Click Here ]
Conference Highlights
CTV News: Research on Chelation Therapy
[ Click Here }
Hidden Epidemic
Silent Oral Infections Cause
Most Heart Attacks and Breast Cancers
[ Click Here ]
A documentary exposing the attempt to hide the revolutionary results of the 10 year $31 million NIH study to assess the impact of Chelation Therapy on heart disease and diabetes. [ Click Here ]